The duality in the nature of light providing for some photons
to be absorbed and some photons to be reflected show us the colors of objects
around, sometimes resplendent sometimes dark. But light even though travelling
at staggering speed take infinitely small time to reach our eyes and once
received the formulation of the complete picture is further delayed by the
transmission of the signals through optic nerves. Thus, with our open eyes we
always see a delayed aspect of life, a sort of lagged reality. Our windows to
the world, our eyes, everything we see with them are just a visualization of
the past. So, we never see present in its truer aspect.
People often say live in the moment but it is a big fallacy.
How can anyone savor a thing without experiencing it in its unadulterated form?
Now if we just close our eyes we can experience the not so holy trinity of
past, present and future. We can be nostalgic about the past (we can do that
with our opened eyes too), we can feel our breath leaving and coming into our
bodies, powering and propelling us, and finally we can think and be prudent
about the future. When our eyelids wrap our eyes we have something mysterious
and undiscovered waiting to be unraveled in our minds and when we open our eyes
again the there is only past now. That’s why our presents are also wrapped.
Being confided in the shiny or matte, plastic or paper, our presents are always
engulfed providing a sense of mystery to the gift. Only when we open it, it
becomes a thing of past, a thing which was unknown but now known. So, let’s
wrap our eyes and live in the present.
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