
A metallic bob of bronze hanging from a light thread, thread which is swinging from one end and tied at the other. Thread which is weightless and to some it seems that it shall not be able to bear the weight of the heavy ball, but it does, defying the gravitational pull. The very fabric of the thread replicates itself in its molecules, stressed when a pull is applied and relieved when no force acts. This elongation and compression forms a series of event that replicate itself over time. Sometimes there is more of stretching while sometimes it is less. Even the metallic bob that is moving shows a pattern which is mirrored through time, slowly the vibrations are dying off, moving from extremes to means, getting to the most stable state. This entire apparatus of pendulum has a distinct pattern depending upon the length of the string and value of the gravitational factor.
Our lives have patterns too. From the wombs we are born propagating ourselves into it too. With a replicating double stranded genetic structure which just is a combination of acids, always distinct but still having a pattern. But we are more than the replicating A-T-C-G we are a part of this infinite cosmos where patterns can be seen and all it needs is an observer. Clocks turning, planets rotating and galaxies moving farther and farther away, these events push forward an idea that there is a gigantic pattern at work. A motif which we have not truly contemplated. We humans with our limited utilization of our brains do not in reality understand the words chaos and randomness. In trying to model a perfect equation for life we always leave a window for external non-controllable variables because of restricted knowledge of the reality. Here, time is important again because without it there is no next moment and no previous. Without time all the events will be occurring and not occurring, all in the same moment, and as we are only able to partially grasp the concept of time we have a very short grasp of the word ‘pattern’. Yet we see it in action in our daily lives.

Patterns are more than stripes and polka dots. They help us figuring out our lives, it's only when we connect the dots do we see the whole. So, identify the pattern around you and try and derive meaning out of all the chaos and order around you.
