
With every step we are locomoting towards our one and only final destination that is death. We know this harsh and hard-hitting truth from the moment we get a little bit of awakened in terms of being conscious, yet every day we get out of our beds to live the life to the fullest. Somedays are routine, some cyclical and some mundane whereas some are treacherous, we gather and muster all strength to walk through those moments, from sunset to sunrise we try to walk. We as humans just want to leave our mark just about everywhere. Be it conquering the Everest (how can anyone conquer the Everest) or a giant step for mankind on the moon all symbolizing that we just want our steps to shine where ever we go. Leaving a mark should come secondary and the journey itself should be the prime motive of us the human race. Look at the preparations that a trekker makes before the climb itself or understand how much physical and mental training the astronaut went through before embarking a small step on the moon. Our steps are the smaller sequences to the big closure act of death, whereas each lift and stretch of legs and movement of knees is life itself. Motion and Stoppage working together to walk us through the life.
