
A cup that gets filled up with water to the brim starts pouring out, storing only what is necessary and removing unwanted material out from itself. When a deep grey cloud cries by showering rain upon a region, the cloud now becomes lighter and the skies become clear again. Humans are not so different from this cup or this cloud, whenever dark days are upon us, when the quicksand of time that surrounds us act as an endless pit and in melancholic way pull us inwards then we let out a few drops of pearls out from our eyes. The tiny salty droplets that we shed from our eyes are so clear symbolizing their purpose of generation. And not only in sadness, we experience this feeling of release even when we are overly elated. Tears be of joy or of sadness are transparent in nature. But why are our tears transparent?

Imagine dispersion of light happening with a little sunshine and some drizzling, what a beautiful rainbow. We forget that how light has these many colors in its white engulfment. Only when the frequency bands splits into distinct ranges do we see the separated colors, removed yet still making sense together. If the drop was not so transparent we might not get clear VIBGYOR combination. Similarly, sometimes we experience life as being bland, monotonous, mundane and always operating in a particular routine, we feel that life has lost the flavor and zest that it once had. Then as the days progress we get overburdened under this thought process and imagine that nothing right will go our ways. Our emotions overpower us, our heart aches for freedom, our blood wants to move out of our vessels, it becomes desolate. Then we cry, sometimes not just drops but heavy downpour of ‘tears streaming down your face’ rivers, the we feel light hearted, relaxed and probably we get to see life as it is but from a better perspective, we see the light separated yet as one, we see the whole. All it takes is a tear to show us what colors life truly holds. We need to vacate the cup of our minds, just so that we don’t implode.  Tears work miraculously in happy days too, when we see wide range of shades that come our way our tears help us combine all these emotions, moments and risks into one complete whole package, one complete body in its entirety called life.

So, sometimes to see clearly, we need a transparent medium in our lives. Tears when faked might cause benefit to the actor or actress momentarily but that is not their purpose. Tears serve various purpose to every individual, but it’s your prerogative how judicially you use your pearls, for what and for whom. Transparent tears deserve transparent intentions, they are there for you in your heart’s aching and in its longing, in your heart’s smiles and in its overwhelming.
