Distinct pieces of puzzle of kept in a box, all randomity, all chaos. Take out each unit and assemble and lock them in one seamless image, and now we see the whole. Each portion playing a specific role in completing the story, some taking the corners, some taking the middle section and others just surrounding them but only a few fused together. Every piece is an individual, with roles to play, male or female, we are more than the interlocking of our genital parts. Life is a mystery and to unravel it both sexes have to work together. But do we?
Gone are the days when men worked outdoors and women held on to the homely matters. The words leader and challenge are themselves gender-less, why then should we restrict the duties of men and women to definite areas only? The word ‘Woman’ contains ‘Man’ but for the same ‘Man’, to come to life a Woman is needed, in her Womb he was made, one is necessary to the other, through one is made the other, progressing as they reproduce. But still rules like patriarchy and feminist ideologies create nothing but space, a gap that is filled with a river flowing with a gush of anger and rage between each gender. All bridges built to traverse this gap over this rapid flowing stream of hatred are destroyed, while men and women wait on either side to pass and cross. Some individuals unable to decide their stand by birth, become trans with this whole gender conundrum.
Fighting amongst men and women for power will go on and mind you the battle will be a bloody one. Can the war be avoided? If only we try. Lock your hands together, look at the fingers as they intertwine with each other, forming a strong bond, just like this men and women must work together to achieve success. War was never amongst the genders, but over the years the rift has been created. From the days when Adam and Eve were created and banished, both the genders have lived and survived. But now we need to survive together, we need to coexist. We need to strive to complete the whole picture, not only as romancers or friends or companions but as dutiful citizens upon this Earth. The same tombstone shared by our ex-president of India K R Narayanan and his wife Usha Narayanan on Prithviraj Road cemetery in Delhi shows that even after death we can co-exist, then why can't we live in harmony in life?
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