Stolen Pen-Drive

Plug me in, copy your data,
Proceed with caution for I can be a traitor,
Sensitive information,
Mostly presentations, sometimes just a leaked sensation,
I am just a carrier of things,
Like same soul but different beings,
You, the user, can multiply the files,
Right click send to removable disk, in one and not many tries,
I come in Gigabyte,
But I feel like a dog lost in a fight,
When I get stolen,
Separated from you, soon forgotten,
Many masters, many users,
Many winners, many losers,
Have you forgotten me?
How selfish can you be?
No matter, I will fulfill my purpose,
I will bite the dust; die in all truth no bogus,
Good bye my friend, again it will happen,
I will be stolen,
Hope you delete your tracks,
I cannot protect you against the worldly hacks.
