If you think this is going to be another article on how to be healthy
and fit by using one thing over the other, I hope you will not be
disappointed but I must strive to write above the monotony. So, I will
try to elucidate something different.
this quote somewhere and just today I was riding on an escalator for I
am too a part of this lazy, modern and energy saving breed. I was
stationary but my path kept moving. I never started my journey instead
my destination came to me. Suddenly I thought that I was this dead fish
with no life, no will and force of its own. I relied on the river that
somehow went against all the odds, against the nature and against the
gravity to pull me up with it. The escalator was the river, step by step
climbing upwards and abruptly coming to an end. Shouldn’t we be the
master of our destinies and shouldn’t we be the ones to decide our fate.
But here I was just floating, just flowing, slowly rising above the
world below without any effort of my own. If only success tasted sweet
without any hard work.
On the other hand was the option to use the stairs. Not sounding boastful, but I do use the non-moving stairs sometimes too. It is not that I fear the escalator; I use the stairs because the escalator has malfunctioned. Choosing one alternative over the other, just like the great Robert Frost chose his pathway out of the two diverged roads. An unfair comparison. Let me climb my stairs. Breathlessness, is it the air? Or my lacking stamina? Whatever it may be, I am at loss here. The automated path has somehow transformed me into an automated droid too. I have become unconditioned to this effort. Oh human nature, always blaming but never taking the blame. So as I reached the top, all out of breath a realization came to me. Here I was the master of my destiny; here I decided my fate, for I was moving with my own force and not like a lifeless dead fish. Success seemed sweet here.
Here I can only recall an excerpt from the poem ‘Invictus’ by William Ernest Henley
instead of beating around the bush in the end I would like to advice
you all is to use stairs and not escalators, use your locomotive limbs
not a moving path. Guide, be guided but move on your own terms. And in
addition the stairs do provide an health improvement feature and a
hygienic one too if you don’t touch the support rails. But first let me
run on the escalator so that I can win with this race against time,
always a hypocrite.
“Only Dead Fish go with the flow”
On the other hand was the option to use the stairs. Not sounding boastful, but I do use the non-moving stairs sometimes too. It is not that I fear the escalator; I use the stairs because the escalator has malfunctioned. Choosing one alternative over the other, just like the great Robert Frost chose his pathway out of the two diverged roads. An unfair comparison. Let me climb my stairs. Breathlessness, is it the air? Or my lacking stamina? Whatever it may be, I am at loss here. The automated path has somehow transformed me into an automated droid too. I have become unconditioned to this effort. Oh human nature, always blaming but never taking the blame. So as I reached the top, all out of breath a realization came to me. Here I was the master of my destiny; here I decided my fate, for I was moving with my own force and not like a lifeless dead fish. Success seemed sweet here.
Here I can only recall an excerpt from the poem ‘Invictus’ by William Ernest Henley
“It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul. “
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