Shifting from my general routine I today tried my hands at solving the newspaper Sudoku, it is not that I had not obtained the solution to a particular one before. But today, as I sat down to fill in the numbers, I got the silliest of the thoughts that there could possibly be.What if our lives are just like this Japanese puzzle as it lay in front of me.
Our lives begin just with the simplest of basics, as provided to some of us privileged beings, our senses.Just like the numbers that lay in this puzzle helping us solve, open up and face the unknown things in this future.
The quanta of data that is filled up in this game is in sync with its difficulty level, kind a like the difficulty of each breathing creature's life.Some of us have an easy way from the beginning for some minds might be sharper than others at a particular aspect of field, but again everyone is a genius in some way or the other. We try to fill in the numbers to get the puzzle over with, sometimes we hit the target soon and satisfaction is obtained.But sometimes the numerals are inputted or inferred by us the wrong way, and we have to erase and start over again. But here I think life differs from Sudoku because on this sheet the errors can be corrected if done with pencil though !, but in real life there are no second chances, a mistake is a mistake because the science of time travel is still unknown to us.
But again life is not only about solving the questions but also enjoying the journey to the answers that give us an utter joy and a sense of enjoyment never experienced before.All I can hope that before the life comes to its ultimate destination that I have solved my life's unsolved sudoku, because no one has seen the after life and it would be difficult to get answers from the beyond.
Weird thought as it may be I must get back to the Japanese puzzle and solve it. For my mind is full of thoughts and solution still seems farfetched.
Our lives begin just with the simplest of basics, as provided to some of us privileged beings, our senses.Just like the numbers that lay in this puzzle helping us solve, open up and face the unknown things in this future.
The quanta of data that is filled up in this game is in sync with its difficulty level, kind a like the difficulty of each breathing creature's life.Some of us have an easy way from the beginning for some minds might be sharper than others at a particular aspect of field, but again everyone is a genius in some way or the other. We try to fill in the numbers to get the puzzle over with, sometimes we hit the target soon and satisfaction is obtained.But sometimes the numerals are inputted or inferred by us the wrong way, and we have to erase and start over again. But here I think life differs from Sudoku because on this sheet the errors can be corrected if done with pencil though !, but in real life there are no second chances, a mistake is a mistake because the science of time travel is still unknown to us.
But again life is not only about solving the questions but also enjoying the journey to the answers that give us an utter joy and a sense of enjoyment never experienced before.All I can hope that before the life comes to its ultimate destination that I have solved my life's unsolved sudoku, because no one has seen the after life and it would be difficult to get answers from the beyond.
Weird thought as it may be I must get back to the Japanese puzzle and solve it. For my mind is full of thoughts and solution still seems farfetched.
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